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Professional Air Conditioning Maintenance Tip

Published: July 29, 2022

This is a very simple maintenance tip provided by an air conditioning service repairman, whose words were “if everyone did this, I would be out of business.” The goal is not to put them out of business, but to help our air conditioning units perform better during this heat wave.

First, change the air filter in the attic unit(s) more than once or twice a year, especially during the summer months.

Second, take a garden hose with a spray nozzle attachment to the outside unit. You should see the coils just the inside the exterior cover, and the coils will likely resemble vehicle radiator coils (and which operate on the same principle). Turn on the nozzle and let the water jet clean the spaces between the coils, and you can look inside from the top to see when the spray is brown or when finally clear. It does not take a lot of force to remove the dirt, so a power washer will not be needed. It also does not matter if the unit is running or stopped.

Dirt gets between the spaces between the coils for a variety of reasons, and this simple maintenance task can keep your valuable and necessary air conditioner working under much less strain and hopefully longer without repairs.

Please remember to also check on our neighbors frequently, especially our elderly ones who are more vulnerable, during the stress of the summer heat.

HOA Board

Highland Meadows HOA

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